The use of marine algae in agriculture is one of the oldest practices since many coastal peoples have always harvested algae to use as fertilizer, livestock feed or even as food for their own consumption. The first traces of the use of seaweed by humans date back to 2700 BC. The Chinese and Japanese used them for human and animal consumption. It is also cited that the British and the Scots had used algae as organic soil amendments since the 16th century and a little later in France (Brittany) where this amendment took the name of seaweed.

The search for biopesticides and biofertilizers to replace pesticides and chemical fertilizers is a significant trend in the evolution of agriculture. Thus, in the interest of sustainable, less expensive and environmentally friendly agriculture, the use of marine algae extracts could have its place in this type of reasoning. Indeed, research carried out in this direction demonstrates that the intake of marine algae extracts, at the recommended doses and periods, promotes increased plant growth, good resistance to diseases and better quality of the products harvested.

             Benefits of using seaweed in agriculture             


  •  -Increase plant tolerance to environmental stress.
  •  -Promote plant growth, flowering and fruit development.
  •  -Improve crop quality and yield.
  •  -Promote the assimilation of mineral elements.
  •  -Increase soil fertility.


These new “products from the seabed” are not yet real substitutes for conventional phytosanitary products but are nevertheless good compliments to limit their use. Products based on marine algae extracts can therefore be part of a type of agriculture which combines both conventional chemical control and biological control while respecting as much as possible the natural flora and fauna as well as human health. They therefore represent an important asset for the evolution towards “sustainable agriculture”.

Our products based on marine algae extracts: