Corporate Environmental Policy
GREEN SOLUTIONS is committed to maintain high professional standards related to its environmental practices in the course of its activities and the provision of its services.
GREEN SOLUTIONS recognizes that it must manage the impact of its activities on the environment and is committed to continuously improving its environmental management and pollution control practices in all areas of its activities.

GREEN SOLUTIONS is committed to providing the necessary means for the implementation of policies, the deployment of objectives, communication, and continuous improvement of the environmental management system.

Our commitment
- Responsible use of Natural ressources throughout our value chain;
- Improving programs and practices for ongoing pollution prevention and waste management;
- Environmental aspects are regularly assessed to evaluate their compliance with current regulations;
- Complying with the approved sustainable procurement policy which aims to source goods and services with minimal environmental impact;
- Providing our employees with the necessary training and resources to reduce energy consumption and consumables (electricity, fuel, water, etc.);
- Promoting the conservation of natural resources and the environment by establishing a recycling program and using environmentally friendly products;
- Committing to safely handle, store, transport and dispose of hazardous materials, goods, and waste.